privacy policy

Privacy Policy
privacy policy
Mohlong Co., Ltd. and its affiliated store Mohlong Luxury (hereinafter referred to as "the Group"), as businesses that handle the personal information of customers who use the Group's services of purchasing and selling brand bags, watches, jewelry, and apparel products, recognize the importance of such information and believe that it is their social responsibility to use and protect such information appropriately. The Group regards the protection of personal information as an important item in conducting its business activities and has established the following "Personal Information Protection Policy."
1. Compliance with laws, regulations and rules
Our group will comply with applicable laws, regulations, and standards regarding personal information protection and strive to protect personal information held by our group.
2. Use, collection, and provision of personal information
Our group will clearly define the purpose of use of personal information, and will collect, use, and provide personal information in a fair and appropriate manner to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose.
3. Management of personal information
We will endeavor to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information held by our group, and store it safely under strict management.We will endeavor to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information held by our group, and store it safely under strict management.
4. Outsourcing of personal information
When outsourcing the processing of personal information to external parties, we will require them to sign a contract to prevent leaks or unauthorized use of the information, and will provide strict management and guidance.
5. Disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information
Regarding personal information held by our group, we will respond appropriately to requests and inquiries from individuals regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. Furthermore, our group will not provide personal information to third parties unless consent is obtained from the individual or it is required by law.
June 2023
Shigetaka Co., Ltd.
Mohlong Luxury